Wednesday 17 July 2013

Management Tip of the Day: Take a Long Lunch

  HBR Management Tip of the Day - Harvard Business Review

July 17, 2013

Take a Long Lunch

There's a simple, old-fashioned practice that can make work more effective, engaging, and fun — long lunches. The idea of a leisurely lunch chatting with colleagues or clients might seem like something out of another era, but it has a place in modern office life too. Eating slowly has documented health benefits and having unplanned time with colleagues can help you forge deeper connections. Instead of scarfing down a sandwich at your desk or grabbing something on the go, make time for a longer lunch break. Even if you do it just once or twice a week, it can create stronger relationships with co-workers, and make you healthier and more productive.

Adapted from "Old-School Business Practices Worth Bringing Back" by John Coleman.

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