Tuesday 9 July 2013

The Daily Alert from Harvard Business Review

  Daily Alert - Harvard Business Review

July 09, 2013

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Leading Like Nelson Mandela

By Video


One Difference Between a Great Recession and a Great Depression: Jobs by Justin Fox

We lost fewer jobs this time, perhaps because we learned from our mistakes.


How and Why to Be a Leader (Not a Wannabe) by Umair Haque

Lead people to their better selves.


Why Comcast Would Rather Be Feared Than Loved by Justin Fox

Sometimes cable companies' poor service is a strategic choice.


Would You Wear That Company's T-Shirt in Public? by Ty Montague

If people shy away from your logo, maybe your story isn't strong enough.

Leadership transitions

Who New CEOs Fire First by Sarah Green

The top executive most at risk? The head of HR.

Global business

Why Brazilians Were So Quick to Protest Bus Fares by Andrew O'Connell

70% of Brazilians believe corruption is widespread, up 9 points from 2010.



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