Friday 12 July 2013

The Daily Idea from Harvard Business Review

  Daily Idea - Harvard Business Review

July 12, 2013

Our Future Workforce Is Stuck in a Pattern of Mediocrity

While colleges spend fewer resources on each student, cost of attendance is skyrocketing. That's not a good combination, and the effects aren't pretty. Consider research by sociologists Richard Arum and Josipa Rokska. Of the 2,300 students they studied at four-year colleges, only 45% demonstrated a significant improvement on a critical thinking test after two years of enrollment. Colleges, of course, should take a fair share of the blame. But students should, too. In fact, the average college student spends only 9% of his or her time studying. When you combine this with lower academic standards, the future doesn't look good: colleges and students are screwing up, and businesses are going to feel the brunt of the impact.

SOURCE: Alarming Research Shows the Sorry State of US Higher Ed by Andrew McAfee

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