Thursday 18 July 2013

The Daily Idea from Harvard Business Review

  Daily Idea - Harvard Business Review

July 18, 2013

What It Really Means to Be "Customer-Centric"

Businesses of all stripes pride themselves on being "customer-centric," and seek to learn as much about their customers as possible. They run focus groups, conduct surveys, plumb the depths of Big Data, you name it. But amid all this information, it's easy — too easy — to forget that customers aren't merely digits and demographics; they're human beings. It may sound simple, but too many companies fall into the same trap: they talk about their customer base as if it were one unified whole, and don't spend enough time actually listening to what individual customers want and need. If companies want to be truly "customer-centric," they need to walk in their customers' shoes.

SOURCE: Rediscover Your Company's Humanity by Sam Ford

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