Friday 19 July 2013

The Daily Idea from Harvard Business Review

  Daily Idea - Harvard Business Review

July 19, 2013

This Is Why So Many Innovation Efforts Fail

The following scenario should strike a chord if you've ever tried to get an innovation project off the ground at your company: you come up with a great idea, spend months and months nailing down a strategic plan, and ask for a six-month window to set up a pilot. Good news: the exec team approves funding for the project. Bad news: they don't offer you anything else — no additional resources, no dedicated team members. They give you a "soft" yes, in other words. So, the project limps along. This is all too common. But savvy would-be innovators know how to lessen the chances of this happening to them by laying out the resource request within the first 10 minutes of their presentation, and repeating it at the end.

SOURCE: Avoiding the Soft "Yes" by Scott Anthony

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