Wednesday 24 July 2013

The Daily Idea from Harvard Business Review

  Daily Idea - Harvard Business Review

July 24, 2013

Companies Are Brimming with Ideas...They Just Don't Know It

Innovation requires ideas — lots of ideas. And companies look to find them from as many sources as possible when trying to ramp up their innovation efforts. But, more often than not, they already have plenty of great ideas. The problem is that they're too quick to hit the "kill" button. Kodak, for example, invented the first digital camera, and Xerox the first personal computer, but neither company pursued these groundbreaking ideas as much as they should have (hindsight is 20/20, of course). These examples aren't exceptions; as study after study has shown, most of us hold a negative bias toward novel ideas in times of uncertainty. Hence the rejection of far too many good ideas.

SOURCE: Innovation Isn't an Idea Problem by David Burkus

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