Monday 22 July 2013

Weekly Hotlist: The Two-Minute Game that Reveals How People Perceive You

  Weekly Hotlist - Harvard Business Review

July 22, 2013

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The Two-Minute Game that Reveals How People Perceive You

By Scott Berinato


Good Companies Are Storytellers. Great Companies Are Storydoers by Ty Montague

Story-driven companies are achieving better financial success than their competitors.


Should Barnes & Noble Turn into a Mini-Mall? by Roger Martin

The struggling bookseller's long-shot strategy options.


Surprises Are the New Normal; Resilience Is the New Skill by Rosabeth Moss Kanter

The difference between winners and losers is how they handle losing.

IT management

We Appreciate Your Business. Please Stay on the Line. by Robert Plant

Don't squander customers by making them feel small.


Insourcing at GE: The Real Story by Brad Power

The focus has been on jobs coming back "onshore," but this success story is about process and culture.

Managing people

Disengaged Employees? Do Something About It by Susan David

Pointers for helping your people bring their best selves to work.

Risk management

Research: Why Companies Keep Getting Blind-Sided by Risk by Mary Driscoll

Supply chain risk ain't sexy. And that's why it never gets the funding it deserves.

Career planning

Craft a Sustainable Career by Monique Valcour

Come to terms with the reality that "follow your passion" types like to ignore.



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