Friday 22 November 2013

The Daily Alert from Harvard Business Review

  Daily Alert - Harvard Business Review

November 22, 2013

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Reduce Stress with Mindfulness

By HBR IdeaCast

Global business

Bangladesh's Garment Factories Still Aren't Safe by John Quelch

Consumers haven't demanded change, but some companies are trying to improve conditions anyway.

Business education

The Job Market for MBAs is About to Take a Hit by Walter Frick

A survey of employers suggests the hiring of MBAs in the U.S. will drop 25% in the coming year.


Still the Sexiest Profession Alive by DJ Patil

Data scientists are still in hot demand.


The Metrics Sales Leaders Should Be Tracking by Scott Edinger

What problem are you trying to solve?

Managing yourself

Learning to Say "No" Is Part of Success by Ed Batista

You've gotten ahead by saying "yes." But now that you've got momentum, it's time to prioritize.


Filing for a Patent Versus Keeping Your Invention a Trade Secret by Orly Lobel

A checklist to help you decide.


Improving Management at Google by HBR IdeaCast

Eric Clayberg, Google software-engineering manager, talks with Harvard Business School professor David Garvin about the feedback and training that he and others at the company receive through Project Oxygen.

Career planning

Would You Work for a Tobacco Company? by Ron Ashkenas

A "good" company is in the eye of the beholder.


Ten Predictions for China's Economy in 2014 by Michael J. Silverstein

Accelerated reforms will strengthen the country's economic muscle.

Auto industry

Male Porsche Customers Chafe at Rise of Female Buyers by The Daily Stat

The Cayenne SUV has become Porsche's best-selling car in America.


What Inexperienced Leaders Get Wrong (Hint: Management) by Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Let's not become so infatuated with vision that we forget process.



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