Monday 18 November 2013

Weekly Hotlist: Don't Start a Company with Your Business School Pals

  Weekly Hotlist - Harvard Business Review

November 18, 2013

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Don't Start a Company with Your Business School Pals

By Michael Fertik


Research: Cubicles Are the Absolute Worst by Sarah Green

A new study confirms that we hate our open offices -- and that they don't even help us collaborate.

Social enterprise

What Problem Will You Own? by Lara Galinsky

To change the world, we each need to make a problem ours to solve.

Strategic planning

What Strategists Can Learn from Architecture by Andrew Campbell

Make your strategy process a design process.

Managing yourself

What Would Make You More Satisfied and Productive at Work? by Tony Schwartz

Your quality of life at work matters. Take this assessment to learn where the gaps are.

Decision making

Making Decisions Together (When You Don't Agree on What's Important) by Sarah Cliffe

Collaborative work has built-in tensions. Here's how to resolve them.

Customer service

When a Company Is No Longer That into You by Sam Ford

The consequences of not following through can haunt customer relations.

Work life balance

7 Policy Changes America Needs So People Can Work and Have Kids by Stew Friedman

New research on Wharton grads highlights a challenge the country as a whole must tackle.

Managing people

Real Men Go to Sleep by Alan Derickson

It's time for the cult of manly wakefulness to end.



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