Monday 9 December 2013

Management Tip of the Day: Plan Ahead for a Strong First Impression

  HBR Management Tip of the Day - Harvard Business Review

December 09, 2013

Plan Ahead for a Strong First Impression

If you're lucky, you may achieve enough recognition that your reputation always precedes you—but until then, some people won't have a clue about what you can offer. Ensure new contacts are aware of your expertise by sending a letter of introduction before a meeting: "I'm looking forward to speaking with you about topic X. My background regarding X is as follows..." This establishes your authority before you step in the room—a strategic move, because the same information conveyed face-to-face can seem boastful. After the meeting, if you suspect your audience hasn't fully grasped your potential, don't push it: Recognize that they'll need to discover your value for themselves. If the relationship is worth cultivating, keep in touch with periodic updates about your progress ("just thinking of you, since I recently spoke at the XYZ conference").

Adapted from "Don't Let Them Underestimate You" by Dorie Clark

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