Thursday 5 December 2013

The Daily Stat: A Few Hundred Dollars in High School Can Make a Big Difference in Earnings Later On

  Daily Stat - Harvard Business Review

December 05, 2013

A Few Hundred Dollars in High School Can Make a Big Difference in Earnings Later On

An inner-city college-prep program that pays students $100 to $500 for each score of at least 3 on Advanced Placement tests led to higher college-degree attainment and an 11% increase in participants' later earnings, according to a study in Texas by C. Kirabo Jackson of Northwestern University. The high-school program, begun in 1996, also includes teacher training, curriculum oversight, and bonuses for teachers if students score well on the tests, which measure understanding of college-level material and allow students to skip certain entry-level classes in college.

SOURCE: Do College-Preparatory Programs Improve Long-Term Outcomes?

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