Monday 16 December 2013

Weekly Hotlist: 10 Charts from 2013 That Changed the Way We Think

  Weekly Hotlist - Harvard Business Review

December 16, 2013

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10 Charts from 2013 That Changed the Way We Think

By Gretchen Gavett


Are We Networking, or Is This a Date? by Meredith Fineman

The lines are blurry, especially for young entrepreneurs.


Mary Barra and the New General Motors by Rosabeth Moss Kanter

This time, what's good for GM really is what's good for America.

Career planning

Use the Office Holiday Party to Advance Your Career by Elizabeth Grace Saunders

Seven tips for optimizing this fun-bligation.

Managing yourself

The Case for Slacking Off by Manfred F. R. Kets de Vries

Doing nothing is socially unacceptable. That's why we're so afraid of it.


Our Dangerous Obsession with External Recognition by Daniel Gulati

You can tweet your way to visibility, not vision.


The Twelve Sales Metrics that Matter Most by Steve W. Martin

A recent survey shows what numbers sales managers should watch.

Consumer goods

Dan Ariely on 23andMe and the Burden of Knowledge by Scott Berinato

As the FDA intervenes with the genetic testing service, a behavioral economist reflects on the test's perils and promise.

Information & technology

Big Data's Biggest Challenge? Convincing People NOT to Trust Their Judgment by Andrew McAfee

As the amount of data goes up, the importance of human judgment should go down.



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