Monday, 20 January 2014

Weekly Hotlist: Why Can't We Stop Working?

  Weekly Hotlist - Harvard Business Review

January 20, 2014

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Why Can't We Stop Working?

By Dorie Clark

Personal effectiveness

Research: Using a Smartphone After 9 pm Leaves Workers Disengaged by Christopher M. Barnes

Put the device down.

Managing yourself

Your Employees Want the Negative Feedback You Hate to Give by Jack Zenger

Especially if they are older workers, or confident ones.

Personal effectiveness

Why We Love Narcissists by Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic

How we get bamboozled by charisma.

Talent management

Hispanic Talent Is the Future for Big Companies by Tammy Erickson

By 2050, Hispanics will represent over half of the U.S. workforce.

Talent management

Motivating People to Perform at Their Peak by Art Markman

How to get them to explore new possibilities instead of exploiting the tried-and-true.


What's Your $1 Billion Idea? by Doug Sundheim

And would you recognize it if you had one?

Managing people

Employees Who Feel Love Perform Better by Sigal Barsade

Organizations with a strong emotional culture have happier, more engaged employees.


The Case for Hiring "Outlier" Employees by Robert D. Austin

Society can't afford to set aside people who are different.



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