Monday 17 April 2017

The Daily Alert from Harvard Business Review


THE DAILY ALERT: Harvard Business Review

April 17, 2017

Do Most Companies Even Try to Innovate Anymore?

By Paul Hünermund

Customer service

Companies Like United Need to Cultivate Good Judgment, and Free Their Employees to Use It by John Deighton

Discretion is still the most powerful customer service tool.


Earning Less Than Their Wives Makes U.S. Men More Partisan by Dan Cassino

Republicans get more conservative, Democrats get more liberal.

Managing people

5 Questions Leaders Should Be Asking All the Time by James E. Ryan

Use them to resolve conflict, challenge old ways of working, and keep things in perspective.


How Companies Are Already Using AI by Satya Ramaswamy

It's a lot of computer-to-computer collaboration.

Receiving feedback

Responding to Feedback You Disagree With by Sheila Heen, Debbie Goldstein

Ask for more specifics.

Human resource management

How Some Companies Are Making Child Care Less Stressful for Their Employees by Julia Beck

Child care in the U.S. is among working parents' biggest expenses.


Dual Transformation

by Scott D. Anthony, Clark G. Gilbert, and Mark W. Johnson

Game-changing disruptions will likely unfold on your watch. Be ready.

In “Dual Transformation,” Scott Anthony, Clark Gilbert, and Mark Johnson propose a practical and sustainable approach to one of the greatest challenges facing leaders today: transforming your business in the face of imminent disruption. Their book shows you how your company can come out of a market shift stronger and more profitable by using the core dual transformation framework: Transformation A: Repositioning today’s business to maximize its resilience and Transformation B: Creating a new growth engine for the future.

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The Latest Research: Diversity

Harvard Business Review

Diverse teams and companies perform better, are more creative, and are better at solving problems, so why haven’t most organizations made real progress toward inclusion? Research is starting to unravel the details, and the answer goes well beyond explicit racism and sexism.

The Latest Research: Diversity, a new 20-article collection curated by our editors, includes the best research-based pieces on diversity published by Harvard Business Review over the past few years. Each article includes discussion questions to help you have the tough conversations that will bring change to your team and your organization.

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