Monday 14 January 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

January 14, 2019

Are You Doing Enough to Retain Your Best Employees?

Every manager knows it’s important to keep their best people. But when retention issues crop up, it’s easy to want to blame anyone but yourself. Instead of pointing the finger, think long and hard about why your employees may be thinking of leaving and what’s needed to increase their engagement. Consider the possibility that you, or other leaders, are contributing to the problem. Don’t rely on your gut, though — collect some data. For instance, quick “pulse surveys” can be useful for keeping tabs on how employees feel about their jobs, and the job that management is doing. You might hear some uncomfortable truths when you ask for their opinions, but don’t get defensive. Be open to listening and to changing how you manage based on what people say. The good news is that, if you signal to employees that you're willing to make meaningful changes, some of them will feel supported and inclined to stay.

Adapted from "Don't Let Lazy Managers Drive Away Your Top Performers," by Mark C. Bolino and Anthony C. Klotz



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