Wednesday 16 January 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

January 16, 2019

Make Sure Everyone Feels Welcome at Casual Networking Events

It’s not uncommon for people on a team to get together outside of work hours. These unplanned, informal events can be useful ways to connect, share information, and even make decisions. But they can also exclude some team members, even if it’s unintentional. As a manager, you can make sure everyone feels welcome at these kinds of events. Start by learning your employees’ preferences around social gatherings, including dietary restrictions and activities that make them feel comfortable. For example, make sure that not all events center around alcohol, so people who don’t drink aren’t excluded. When you’re thinking about future events, plan some gatherings during the day or over lunch, so those who can’t stay late don’t miss out. And then pay attention to how often the team meets informally and who’s showing up. These details will help you figure out who isn’t coming, and reach out to invite them when necessary.

Adapted from "How Managers Can Make Casual Networking Events More Inclusive," by Ruchika Tulshyan



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