Tuesday 22 January 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

January 22, 2019

Want to Be More Open-Minded?

Open-mindedness at work — about new products, strategies, business models — is one key to success. But how do you develop it? Research has found there are several things you can do. For one, travel, whether it’s to another country or somewhere closer to home. As you encounter ways of living that differ from the ones you know best, your brain will get better at accepting new approaches and ideas. For a cheaper option, read fiction. Books can train your brain to be curious about others’ experiences and opinions. Another low-cost option is mindfulness meditation, which has been shown to help people be willing to revise their ideas. And if you’re someone who tends to get stuck in their ways, there's a simple trick you can try: Start sentences with “I could be wrong, but…” This conveys your openness to others and forces you to start conversations with a willingness to change your mind.

Adapted from "A New Way to Become More Open-Minded," by Shane Snow



Good Charts Workbook

Scott Berinato

You know right away when you see an effective chart or graphic. It hits you with an immediate sense of its meaning and impact. But what actually makes it clearer, sharper, and more effective? If you’re ready to create your own “good charts” — data visualizations that powerfully communicate your ideas and research and that advance your career — the Good Charts Workbook is the hands-on guide you’ve been looking for.


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Self-Awareness (HBR Emotional Intelligence Series)

Harvard Business Review, Daniel Goleman, Robert Steven Kaplan, and Susan David

Self-awareness, the bedrock of emotional intelligence, enables you to see your talents, shortcomings, and potential. Learn how to understand your thoughts and emotions, how to persuade colleagues to share what they really think of you, and why self-awareness will spark more productive and rewarding relationships with your employees and bosses.


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