Wednesday, 20 February 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

February 20, 2019

How Do You Ask Your Boss for an Unpaid Leave?

Say you’d like to take time off work to travel or spend time with family, but don’t have enough vacation days. How do you ask your boss for an unpaid leave? Before the conversation, think about the concerns that might come up. Your manager will have a lot of reasons to say no, so know how you’ll respond to them. Consider what you want to achieve during your leave, and be ready to frame your request in terms of how it will benefit the company. You might outline the new skills you’ll learn, or the professional connections you’ll make. When it’s time to talk, bring multiple options to the table. Does the leave need to happen all at once, or could it be staggered in phases? Keep an open mind in case your boss suggests a plan you haven’t thought of. And, of course, time the conversation for when your manager is feeling positive about your performance.

Adapted from "How to Ask Your Boss for an Unpaid Leave to Travel, Study, or Spend Time with Family," by Amy Gallo



The Harvard Business Review Good Charts Collection

Scott Berinato

A good visualization can communicate the nature and potential impact of ideas more powerfully than any other form of communication. The Harvard Business Review Good Charts Collection brings together two popular books to help you become more sophisticated in understanding and using dataviz to communicate your ideas and advance your career.

In Good Charts, Harvard Business Review editor Scott Berinato provides an essential guide to how visualization works and how to use this new language to impress and persuade. In Good Charts Workbook, he puts theory into practice and leads readers step-by-step through several examples, providing space to practice the Good Charts talk-sketch-prototype process for improving those charts.


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Get Your Venture Backed with Persuasive Data Viz: An HBR Collection for Building the Perfect Pitch Deck

Scott Berinato, Evan Baehr, and Evan Loomis

Communicating your idea in a clear, compelling, and persuasive manner is critical when trying to launch a new venture. This Harvard Business Review collection brings together two popular books to help you craft your story, design better visualizations, impress your audience, and turn your idea into reality.

Good Charts will help you turn plain, uninspiring charts that merely present information into smart, effective visualizations that powerfully convey ideas. Get Backed will show you exactly what it takes to get funded and will give you the tools to launch a new venture. Together, these books will help you bring your idea to life.


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