Should Your Company Weigh In on That Hot-Button Issue?. As a business leader, it can be challenging to know when to weigh in on a hot-button social or political issue. Here are some questions to ask before deciding whether to speak up as a company. - Does the issue relate to our purpose and values? Most customers or clients aren't thinking about where your company stands on every issue facing society. They are, however, interested in where you stand on the issues related to what you do—and who you claim to be.
- How does the issue impact our stakeholders? Before making a decision about whether to speak up, consider the interests of your customers, shareholders, and above all, your employees. Staff who feel ignored or alienated are often your most vocal detractors. By contrast, those employees who feel heard and understood can be your greatest ambassadors.
- What are our choices for engagement? "Speaking up" can take many forms. Don't simply follow the trend of the moment, whether that's creating a social media post, signing a petition, or writing an open letter. Engage in a way that feels authentic to your voice and your brand.
- What is the price of our silence? This question often trumps the others. An issue may not be directly related to your company's purpose, and stakeholders' views may not be obvious, but silence on some topics—such as racism, homophobia, antisemitism, and other matters of humanity—is unacceptable, and the cost of saying nothing is just too great.
| | Today’s Tip | Should Your Company Weigh In on That Hot-Button Issue? | As a business leader, it can be challenging to know when to weigh in on a hot-button social or political issue. Here are some questions to ask before deciding whether to speak up as a company. - Does the issue relate to our purpose and values? Most customers or clients aren't thinking about where your company stands on every issue facing society. They are, however, interested in where you stand on the issues related to what you do—and who you claim to be.
- How does the issue impact our stakeholders? Before making a decision about whether to speak up, consider the interests of your customers, shareholders, and above all, your employees. Staff who feel ignored or alienated are often your most vocal detractors. By contrast, those employees who feel heard and understood can be your greatest ambassadors.
- What are our choices for engagement? "Speaking up" can take many forms. Don't simply follow the trend of the moment, whether that's creating a social media post, signing a petition, or writing an open letter. Engage in a way that feels authentic to your voice and your brand.
- What is the price of our silence? This question often trumps the others. An issue may not be directly related to your company's purpose, and stakeholders' views may not be obvious, but silence on some topics—such as racism, homophobia, antisemitism, and other matters of humanity—is unacceptable, and the cost of saying nothing is just too great.
| This tip is adapted from “When Should Your Company Weigh In on Hot-Button Issues?,” by Sally Susman | | | | Leaders Who Make a Difference | Join us for our third annual Leaders Who Make a Difference virtual conference where we convene top CEOs and management thinkers for a day of insightful discussion. Our program will equip you with all the tools you need to create positive change at your own organization. | | | | | | | | |
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