Monday 15 July 2013

Management Tip of the Day: Share the Burden of Your Project

  HBR Management Tip of the Day - Harvard Business Review

July 15, 2013

Share the Burden of Your Project

If you're in a role where you're responsible for a project's success—such as project manager or team lead—it's tempting to bear the whole burden alone. Sure, you may share regular progress updates with teammates or hint at possible roadblocks, but you might prefer to keep the telling, nitty-gritty details (especially if they're not pretty) to yourself. This is incredibly stressful and unnecessary. Try an open-book system: Every week, put key numbers for your project on a whiteboard to discuss at a regular team meeting. This will reveal difficulties lurking in the shadows, especially ones that could be easily addressed if people knew they existed. Consistently sharing results will involve others in solving these critical problems, as well as reduce your own stress.

Adapted from "Project Managers Should Share Their Stress" by Joe Knight, Roger Thomas, and Brad Angus.

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