Monday 15 July 2013

The Daily Idea from Harvard Business Review

  Daily Idea - Harvard Business Review

July 15, 2013

Anger Management Programs Can Make People Angrier

Work, we all know, can be emotional. It's stressful, and disagreements with colleagues can occur as a result. It's par for the course — and it's a manager's job to resolve the situation. Unfortunately, despite the good intentions of anger management programs, peacemaking is even harder than it was in the past. Why? Because telling people "not to feel anger" isn't going to do anything — and, in some cases, it make matters worse. Really, as adults, we aren't that much different than toddlers: we don't respond well when forced to comply with a rule or a directive of some sort (don't get angry). A better bet is to supply us with tools and techniques that will help us cope with stressful situations.

SOURCE: The Fatal Flaw with Anger Management Programs by Steven Berglas

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