Monday 15 July 2013

The Daily Alert from Harvard Business Review

  Daily Alert - Harvard Business Review

July 15, 2013

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Leaders, Choose Your Words Wisely

By Douglas R. Conant

Organizational culture

Think Carefully About Where You Put the Office Bathroom by Gretchen Gavett

Why the placement of your office bathroom matters, and why most companies don't value reasoned debate. These stories and more in this week's scouting report on provocative ideas for business.


When You've Done Enough, Do More by Mark Goulston and John Ullmen

For real influence, don't think in tit-for-tat terms.

Leadership development

Rethinking the Work of Leadership by Dan Pontefract

What are you doing to escape the limits of top-down power structures?

Decision making

What to Ask Your "Numbers People" by Tom Davenport

Key questions (and their follow-ups) to advance your next metrics project.


What Would You Do Differently If You Could See Yourself 20 Years Older? by Andrew O'Connell

People are less inclined to behave unethically if they see images of their older selves.



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