Tuesday 16 July 2013

The Daily Alert from Harvard Business Review

  Daily Alert - Harvard Business Review

July 16, 2013

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Should Barnes & Noble Turn into a Mini-Mall?

By Roger Martin

Managing people

Disengaged Employees? Do Something About It by Susan David

Pointers for helping your people bring their best selves to work.

Managing yourself

Craft a Sustainable Career by Monique Valcour

Come to terms with the reality that "follow your passion" types like to ignore.

Human resources

Prepare for the New Permanent Temp by Michael Schrage

The question is not when more full-time jobs will return, what's next for "temporary" employees.

IT management

The CIO in Crisis: What You Told Us by Jim Stikeleather

Your thoughts on our series about the role of the CIO has evolved our thinking.


Increase Your Team's Curiosity by Roger Schwarz

Asking the right questions (but not too many) will lead to better outcomes.

Global business

How Your Company Can Help Build Tomorrow's Sustainable Cities by John D. Macomber

This "efficiency matrix" will help you analyze your technological and financial sophistication.

Risk management

Hard Times May Make You More Likely to Gamble Away Your Money by Andrew O'Connell

Hardship can lead people to make risky and detrimental financial decisions.


Insourcing at GE: The Real Story by Brad Power

The focus has been on jobs coming back "onshore," but this success story is about process and culture.



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