Wednesday 13 November 2013

The Daily Alert from Harvard Business Review

  Daily Alert - Harvard Business Review

November 13, 2013

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You Need More Sleep

By The Daily Idea

Career planning

How to Choose the Right Protégé by Sylvia Ann Hewlett

Avoid "mini-me" syndrome and align yourself with up-and-coming talent.


The "All or None" Team-Based Approach to Coronary Artery Disease by Brian Jacobs

By simultaneously targeting nine goals for managing coronary artery disease, Geisinger Health System has fostered team-based delivery of care and has greatly mitigated risk factors for its patients with CAD.

Career planning

When He Retires and She Still Works, What Happens? by Karen Firestone

Baby Boomer husbands are starting to retire, but their wives don't seem as ready to let go.

Managing yourself

A Three-Pronged Strategy for Avoiding Office Weight Gain by Heidi Grant Halvorson

Relying on willpower alone is a terrible way to manage any goal.


Inpatient Patient Navigator Program Reduces Length of Stay by Janice L. Kwan

Based on the pilot's success, the program has been adopted in Mt. Sinai's cardiology, gastroenterology, and surgical oncology units.

Managing yourself

What Would Make You More Satisfied and Productive at Work? by Tony Schwartz

Think about your typical workday. How often do you wake up in the morning, excited to get to work? How much time do you spend fighting traffic to get to the office?  Do you run from meeting to meeting, with no time in between, as emails pile up unanswered in your inbox? When was the last time you left your desk at midday and took an hour for lunch with a friend? How much energy... More »


China's Bad Bet on the Environment by Elizabeth Economy

Environmental issues have garnered the people's attention -- but is Beijing going to listen?

Managing people

Increase Accountability Without Incurring Distrust by Charalambos Vlachoutsicos

When people think their jobs are on the line, any change is suspect.


How Credit-Worthy Is America, Inc.? by Jeff Stibel

If the United States were a company, debt would not be its biggest problem.

Managing yourself

Yes, It's Worth It to Work Those Long Hours by The Daily Stat

Among highly educated workers who work long hours, additional time spent on the job leads to higher wages.

Decision making

Making Decisions Together (When You Don't Agree on What's Important) by Sarah Cliffe

Collaborative work has built-in tensions. Here's how to resolve them.



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