Tuesday 19 November 2013

The Daily Alert from Harvard Business Review

  Daily Alert - Harvard Business Review

November 19, 2013

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Taking Over from an Incompetent Team Leader

By Roger Schwarz

Work life balance

Strategic Humor: Cartoons from the December 2013 Issue by Meghan Ennes

Enjoy these cartoons from the latest issue of Harvard Business Review.


Five Ways the Advertising Industry Is About to Transform by Bob Lord

Technology is quickly changing the industry.


Reverse Innovation Starts with Education by Vijay Govindarajan

Engineering students should look to emerging economies to create global impact.


The Politics of China's Economic Adjustment by Michael Pettis

China's next 10 years will be far more politically challenging than economically challenging.


Microsoft's Next CEO: How the Board Can Get It Right by Dennis Carey

Directors will likely decide among three major options; their prior executive experience will prove critical in picking among them.

Mergers & Acquisitions

When M&A Is Not the Best Option for Hospitals by Saumya Sutaria

Executives should consider the full range of ways to achieve different economies of scale.


When Selling Digital Content, Let the Customer Set the Price by Marco Bertini

The debate must move beyond free vs. fee.

Decision making

The Luck Factor in Great Decisions by Michael Wheeler

Would Bill Gates have been so successful if the flip of the coin hadn't came up heads for him in three critical decisions?

Managing yourself

Why It Pays to Feel Happy Just Before You Join a Group by The Daily Stat

You can achieve higher status by increasing your happiness, eagerness, or sense of power just before joining a team.



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