Friday 29 November 2013

The Daily Alert from Harvard Business Review

  Daily Alert - Harvard Business Review

November 29, 2013

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As Emerging Markets Slow, Firms Search for "New" BRICs

By Richard Leggett

Managing yourself

To Strengthen Your Attention Span, Stop Overtaxing It by Daniel Goleman

Attention is a mental muscle. You can strengthen it, but not if it's fatigued.

Social media

The Truth About Online Rumors in China by Christopher Marquis

A lot of them are started by the Chinese government itself.


How Europe Is Betraying Its Children by Michael G. Jacobides

The Old World lacks the courage to deal with its failing educational systems.


We Could Be Better at Giving Thanks by The Daily Stat

70% of respondents said they'd feel better about themselves if their bosses were more grateful.



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