Friday 29 November 2013

The Daily Idea from Harvard Business Review

  Daily Idea - Harvard Business Review

November 29, 2013

Corporations Are Not People in the Social-Media World

Ashton Kutcher recently engaged in a war of tweets with "Walmart." Kutcher railed against the company's low wages, then an anonymous Walmart employee tweeted back under the auspices of the company's PR account. A celeb-on-corporation spat ensued. It was bizarre — mostly because it seemed like there was a robot at the helm of Walmart's account, not a human. It just seemed odd. This is why more CEOs and executives should engage with social media. If a reply had come from a higher-up — a real live human, that is — perhaps a more meaningful discussion would have taken place.

SOURCE: Why Walmart's Senior Execs Need to Be on Twitter by Morra Aarons-Mele

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