Friday, 8 November 2013

The Daily Idea from Harvard Business Review

  Daily Idea - Harvard Business Review

November 08, 2013

Women Have Trouble Letting Go Because They Have A Lot to Prove

Women tend to hold on to their frustration longer than men. They take things more personally. They have trouble moving on. These generalizations are all backed up by research, interviews, and feedback from managers. So why do women have such a hard time moving on from bad experiences in the workplace? A lot of it is environmental. Some women report feeling pressure to do everything right when working in male-dominated environments. This makes it harder to handle mistakes, setbacks, and criticism. Men, on the other hand, are able to adopt a live-to-fight-another-day mentality, and can rebound much more quickly.

SOURCE: How Women Respond to Frustration at Work, and Why by Kathryn Heath

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