Monday 25 November 2013

Weekly Hotlist: The Job Market for MBAs is About to Take a Hit

  Weekly Hotlist - Harvard Business Review

November 25, 2013

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The Job Market for MBAs is About to Take a Hit

By Walter Frick


Ten Predictions for China's Economy in 2014 by Michael J. Silverstein

Accelerated reforms will strengthen the country's economic muscle.


What Inexperienced Leaders Get Wrong (Hint: Management) by Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Let's not become so infatuated with vision that we forget process.

Time management

Defend Your Research: Working Long Hours Used to Hurt Your Wages — Now It Helps Them by Sarah Green

And because men work longer hours, they benefit more than women.

Managing people

Who Wants to Work for a Woman? by Joan C. Williams

More people than in 1953, but there's plenty of evidence that the glass is still resounding, maddeningly, and persistently half empty.

Human resources

Trouble with the Curve? Why Microsoft is Ditching Stack Rankings by Marcus Buckingham

The problem with common performance ratings.

Crisis management

Is Your Next Great CEO a Management Consultant? by Gretchen Gavett

Companies shouldn't overlook this unorthodox path to the C-suite.

Leading teams

Taking Over from an Incompetent Team Leader by Roger Schwarz

Cleaning up someone else's mess is never easy.

Decision making

The Luck Factor in Great Decisions by Michael Wheeler

Would Bill Gates have been so successful if the flip of the coin hadn't came up heads for him in three critical decisions?



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