Friday 21 April 2017

The Daily Alert from Harvard Business Review


THE DAILY ALERT: Harvard Business Review

April 21, 2017

What to Do About Mediocrity on Your Team

By Joseph Grenny

Emerging markets

How Multinationals Can Grow in the Middle East and Africa by Martina Bozadzhieva

They're the fastest-growing markets outside of Asia.


Have Our Attitudes About Sexual Harassment Really Changed? by Sarah Green Carmichael

Bill O'Reilly's firing inspires a look back at a 1981 HBR article.


Thinking Through How Automation Will Affect Your Workforce by Ravin Jesuthasan, John Boudreau

Start by assessing tasks, not jobs.

Talent management

Our Delusions About Talent

Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic, professor of business psychology at University College London, dispels some of the myths that have persisted in the 20 years since McKinsey coined the phrase "war for talent." He argues the science of talent acquisition and retention is still in its early stages. Chamorro-Premuzic is the CEO of Hogan Assessments and the author of the book "The Talent Delusion: Why Data, Not Intuition, is the Key to Unlocking Human Potential."

Crisis communication

Trust Your Employees, Not Your Rule Book by Bill Taylor

United has changed its policies, but that's not the right way to win over customers.


Case Study: Follow Dubious Orders or Speak Up? by Sandra Sucher, Matthew Preble

An intern contemplates whether she should compromise her values for a job.


Why the U.S. Is Still Richer Than Every Other Large Country by Martin S. Feldstein

But can it maintain its advantage?


CC'ing the Boss on Email Makes Employees Feel Less Trusted by David De Cremer

Research on how digital transparency can backfire.


Dual Transformation

by Scott D. Anthony, Clark G. Gilbert, and Mark W. Johnson

Game-changing disruptions will likely unfold on your watch. Be ready.

In “Dual Transformation,” Scott Anthony, Clark Gilbert, and Mark Johnson propose a practical and sustainable approach to one of the greatest challenges facing leaders today: transforming your business in the face of imminent disruption. Their book shows you how your company can come out of a market shift stronger and more profitable by using the core dual transformation framework: Transformation A: Repositioning today’s business to maximize its resilience and Transformation B: Creating a new growth engine for the future.

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The Latest Research: Diversity

Harvard Business Review

Diverse teams and companies perform better, are more creative, and are better at solving problems, so why haven’t most organizations made real progress toward inclusion? Research is starting to unravel the details, and the answer goes well beyond explicit racism and sexism.

The Latest Research: Diversity, a new 20-article collection curated by our editors, includes the best research-based pieces on diversity published by Harvard Business Review over the past few years. Each article includes discussion questions to help you have the tough conversations that will bring change to your team and your organization.

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