Thursday 13 December 2018

The Management Tip of the Day

December 13, 2018

When Building a Business, Be Selective About the Work You Take On

When you're building a business, it's obvious that you want to find lucrative projects. What's less obvious is that, at a certain point, saying yes to all opportunities — even profitable ones — may actually thwart your future success. Why? If you take on too much, you'll become spread too thin and risk prioritizing money over other important factors, such as learning. In the early days of your business, a project that tests and expands the limits of your skills is exactly what you should be looking for. But after a while, things that used to be novel no longer seem so interesting — and that's when it's tempting to say yes to something just for the money. Make sure to ask yourself: "Do I really want to do this project? Paycheck aside, will it help me reach my goals?" Sometimes, to preserve your happiness, it's OK to say no to the money.

Adapted from "When to Turn Down a Lucrative Opportunity," by Dorie Clark



HBR's 10 Must Reads 2019

Harvard Business Review

HBR's 10 Must Reads 2019 brings the most current and important management conversations of the year right to your fingertips, with authors from Thomas Davenport to Michael Porter and company examples from Facebook to DHL.

This book will inspire you to:

  • Make stronger connections and build greater trust among teams
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  • Pair data with qualitative research to increase diversity in your organization
  • Remain competitive in a hub economy by using your company's assets and capabilities differently.


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