Wednesday 26 December 2018

The Management Tip of the Day

December 26, 2018

How to Manage a Boss with a Zillion Ideas

Visionary bosses can be fun to work for. But they can also be overwhelming if they seem to have an endless supply of ideas. How can you possibly implement everything they come up with? First of all, don't assume your boss expects you to do something every time they have a brilliant thought. It's OK to just listen and respond with a simple, "That's a great idea" or "I'll take a look," and then wait to see if it comes up again. That way you'll be able to tell whether the idea is actually important to your boss. If your manager does expect you to take action, shape and contain the idea by asking where it fits into the team's goals and how your boss wants you to prioritize it. By connecting the idea to other, ongoing projects, you can help your boss assess it from a strategic perspective.

Adapted from "How to Work for a Boss Who Has a New Idea Every 5 Minutes," by Elizabeth Grace Saunders



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Harvard Business Review, Herminia Ibarra, Deborah Tannen, Joan C. Williams

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