Thursday 27 December 2018

The Management Tip of the Day

December 27, 2018

Create Ways for Your Employees to Learn from Each Other

Peer-to-peer learning can be a powerful (and free) development tool. Research shows that when people want to learn a skill, turning to colleagues for help is often the first thing they do. You can encourage this kind of learning in your organization by setting up a formal program for it. Start by appointing a facilitator to oversee the program. It's important to have a neutral party — who is not the team's manager — to organize sessions, keep everyone on topic, and maintain a positive atmosphere. You also need to build a safe environment so that people feel comfortable sharing their thoughts, experiences, and questions. Setting ground rules around honoring confidentiality and accepting feedback graciously can help. During sessions, be sure that learning is tied to real-world situations and problems so that participants can apply the skills they've learned quickly. And encourage employees to network, whether online, at networking events, or through another method, so that anyone in the company can get involved.

Adapted from "How to Help Your Employees Learn from Each Other," by Kelly Palmer and David Blake



HBR's 10 Must Reads on Women and Leadership

Harvard Business Review, Herminia Ibarra, Deborah Tannen, Joan C. Williams

Learn the root causes of the barriers that exist for women in the workplace; check your own gender biases and distinguish between confidence and competence in your colleagues; and recognize the issues women face when speaking up about bias or harassment.


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HBR Guide for Women at Work

Harvard Business Review

Women regularly face unfair challenges in the workplace—from being passed over for promotion to being ignored in conversation. This guide provides practical tips and advice so you can face gender stereotypes head-on, make yourself visible when opportunities arise, and demonstrate your leadership skills.


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