Monday 4 February 2019

Hotlist: What PwC Learned from Its Policy of Flexible Work for Everyone

THE WEEKLY HOTLIST: Harvard Business Review

February 4, 2019

What PwC Learned from Its Policy of Flexible Work for Everyone

By Anne Donovan


To Improve Your Team, First Work on Yourself by Jennifer Porter

Are you part of the problem?

Professional transitions

If You're About to Take a New Job, Should You Consider Your Boss's Counteroffer? by Kelly O. Kay, Michael Cullen

It's usually — but not always — a bad idea.

Managing yourself

Treat Your Weekend Like a Vacation by Cassie Mogilner Holmes

This simple mindset shift can lead to greater happiness.


How to Decide Whether to Fire Someone by Rebecca Knight

It's one of the hardest decisions a manager will ever have to make.

Managing yourself

Accounting for Time by Ashley Whillans, Hanne Collins

Fresh research puts dollar values on how you spend your hours.

Leading teams

How to Unlock Your Team's Creativity by Rebecca Shambaugh

Encourage a growth mindset.

Disruptive innovation

McKinsey's Three Horizons Model Defined Innovation for Years. Here's Why It No Longer Applies. by Steve Blank

It assumes that breakthrough innovations will take years to develop.

Security & privacy

Improving Cybersecurity Means Taking More Care with What We Digitize by Andrew Burt, Dan Geer

In some cases, it'll be necessary to preserve analog solutions.


Prediction Machines

By Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb

Named one of Ten Top Technology Books of 2018 by

Written by three eminent economists, Prediction Machines recasts the rise of AI as a drop in the cost of prediction and lifts the curtain on the AI-is-magic hype. Authors Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, and Avi Goldfarb show how basic tools from economics provide clarity about the AI revolution and a basis for action by CEOs, managers, policy makers, investors, and entrepreneurs.


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The Latest Research: Women and Gender

Harvard Business Review

Organizations should seize the opportunity to make strides toward gender equity — not only because it’s the right thing to do but also because companies that don’t will soon be left behind.

This 20-article collection, curated by our editors, includes the best recent research on women and gender in the workplace published by Harvard Business Review. Written on topics ranging from competition for the C-suite to flextime among line workers to the staggering prevalence of harassment, each article includes discussion questions to help you facilitate the conversations that will bring change to your team and your organization.


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