Monday 11 February 2019

Hotlist: Why You Should Work Less and Spend More Time on Hobbies

THE WEEKLY HOTLIST: Harvard Business Review

February 11, 2019

Why You Should Work Less and Spend More Time on Hobbies

By Gaetano DiNardi


The 3 Elements of Trust by Jack Zenger, Joseph Folkman

And which one is most important for leaders.


Companies Are Failing in Their Efforts to Become Data-Driven by Randy Bean, Thomas H. Davenport

According to a recent survey.


Neuroscience Is Going to Change How Businesses Understand Their Customers by Nathan Furr, Kyle Nel, Thomas Zoëga Ramsøy

IKEA has used it to make decisions about its business model.


Survey: What Diversity and Inclusion Policies Do Employees Actually Want? by Matt Krentz

If organizations want to make progress, they need to invest in the right areas.

Leading teams

How Leaders Can Open Up to Their Teams Without Oversharing by Liz Fosslien, Mollie West Duffy

It's all about recognizing boundaries.

Difficult conversations

Getting Over Your Fear of Cold Calling Customers by Weldon Long

48% of B2B salespeople are afraid of cold calling.


The State of Globalization in 2019, and What It Means for Strategists by Pankaj Ghemawat, Steven A. Altman

Executives should consider four key ideas.


How Recruiters Can Stay Relevant in the Age of LinkedIn by Atta Tarki, Ken Kanara

Headhunters need to find new ways to create value.


The Harvard Business Review Good Charts Collection

Scott Berinato

A good visualization can communicate the nature and potential impact of ideas more powerfully than any other form of communication. The Harvard Business Review Good Charts Collection brings together two popular books to help you become more sophisticated in understanding and using dataviz to communicate your ideas and advance your career.

In Good Charts, Harvard Business Review editor Scott Berinato provides an essential guide to how visualization works and how to use this new language to impress and persuade. In Good Charts Workbook, he puts theory into practice and leads readers step-by-step through several examples, providing space to practice the Good Charts talk-sketch-prototype process for improving those charts.


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The Latest Research: Women and Gender

Harvard Business Review

Organizations should seize the opportunity to make strides toward gender equity — not only because it’s the right thing to do but also because companies that don’t will soon be left behind.

This 20-article collection, curated by our editors, includes the best recent research on women and gender in the workplace published by Harvard Business Review. Written on topics ranging from competition for the C-suite to flextime among line workers to the staggering prevalence of harassment, each article includes discussion questions to help you facilitate the conversations that will bring change to your team and your organization.


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