Thursday 14 February 2019

The Management Tip of the Day

THE MANAGEMENT TIP OF THE DAY: Harvard Business Review

February 14, 2019

Leaders, Make It Safe for Employees to Give You Honest Feedback

Just like everyone else, leaders need honest feedback to grow. But what leaders hear is often vague, or isn’t tied to specific behaviors, which means it isn’t very useful. One way to get feedback that will help you improve is to build a culture where it’s safe for employees to be honest. Show colleagues that you want to know what they think, even when — especially when — they might hesitate to tell you. You can do this by asking open-ended questions and listening carefully to the answers: “What did you hear when I shared my strategy?” or “How did it feel to you when I sent that email?” Tell your team that you want both positive and negative comments, and then resist the urge to respond to what they say — even if you disagree, simply listen and reflect. Lastly, thank your team for their honesty, and use their feedback to make necessary changes.

Adapted from "How Leaders Can Get Honest, Productive Feedback," by Jennifer Porter



The Harvard Business Review Good Charts Collection

Scott Berinato

A good visualization can communicate the nature and potential impact of ideas more powerfully than any other form of communication. The Harvard Business Review Good Charts Collection brings together two popular books to help you become more sophisticated in understanding and using dataviz to communicate your ideas and advance your career.

In Good Charts, Harvard Business Review editor Scott Berinato provides an essential guide to how visualization works and how to use this new language to impress and persuade. In Good Charts Workbook, he puts theory into practice and leads readers step-by-step through several examples, providing space to practice the Good Charts talk-sketch-prototype process for improving those charts.


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The Latest Research: Women and Gender

Harvard Business Review

Organizations should seize the opportunity to make strides toward gender equity — not only because it’s the right thing to do but also because companies that don’t will soon be left behind.

This 20-article collection, curated by our editors, includes the best recent research on women and gender in the workplace published by Harvard Business Review. Written on topics ranging from competition for the C-suite to flextime among line workers to the staggering prevalence of harassment, each article includes discussion questions to help you facilitate the conversations that will bring change to your team and your organization.


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