Tuesday 12 November 2013

The Daily Stat: Yes, It's Worth It to Work Those Long Hours

  Daily Stat - Harvard Business Review

November 12, 2013

Yes, It's Worth It to Work Those Long Hours

For young, highly educated workers who usually put in long hours, working 5 extra hours per week is linked to a 1% increase in annual wage growth, according to a study of thousands of U.S. workers by Dora Gicheva of the University of North Carolina. The finding holds only for those who work at least 48 hours per week; when hours are lower than that, there's no correlation between additional work and wage growth. Males' willingness or ability to work long hours accounts for some, but not all, of the gender difference in wage growth, Gicheva says.

SOURCE: Working Long Hours and Early Career Outcomes in the High-End Labor Market

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